Built For Weather
6061 Aircraft Grade Aluminum
Hardened Stainless Steel Shackle
All Rust Resistant Components
PAC-BAND™ Equipped
Our aluminum body padlocks are ideal for outdoor environments. Plastic coatings don’t make products “weather resistant” – the plastic simply hides the fact that the padlock body is rusting underneath. UCS™ padlocks are crafted with 6061 aircraft grade aluminum and are built to be saltwater impervious.
Introducing The PAC-BAND™
A revolutionary silicone cover protects the UCS™ cylinder from the elements. The PAC-BAND™ keeps rain, dirt, and other damaging elements out of the cylinder to multiply the lifespan of the lock and keep it running smoothly for years. Designed specifically to allow for field replacement, the PAC-BAND™ can quickly be restored, keeping the internal mechanisms working smoothly. Innovative technology like the PAC-BAND™ is just one of the ways that we are ensuring our locks are the future of padlocks.

All Rust Resistant Components
PACLOCK’s UCS™ product line is the only retail line of padlocks offering 100% brass, aluminum, and stainless steel components. From the ball bearing to the screw to the springs, they’re all stainless steel and brass.
With a hardened steel shackle and aircraft-grade aluminum body, PACLOCK’s UCS™ locks are built to maintain the natural elements while still being lightweight and rust proof.
The Industry's ONLY Hardened Stainless Steel Shackles
By itself, Stainless Steel is known to be a very difficult material to cut, bend, or machine because of the chromium content. Even without the case hardening process, a stainless steel shackle is really difficult to cut. But PACLOCK® took everything to the next level by taking the stainless steel and sending it through a heat-treating process to give the shackles industry leading cut resistance.
On top of all of that, PACLOCK® took the stainless steel and performed a nickel plating process over the stainless shackle to give it an extra layer of protection from the weather. PACLOCK® shackles are harder than boron and tougher against the weather than any other shackle out there.

Done The Right Way.
PACLOCK’s UCS-7A comes with the PL810 Hasp, which is double-layer protected with a zinc plating underneath a rock-solid powder coating. If you’ve had a brand new vehicle ruined from a hasp rusting onto it, you’ll love the fact that our PL810 Hasps feature double-layer protection to prevent unwanted rust.
All UCS™ cylinders have an all brass plug and shell for extreme precision, but also for weather toughness. On top of that, the shell is nickel plated for yet another added layer of protection from the elements.